Having problem with your technical parts?

Can't clarify your message?

Feeling like giving up?

Let's chat.

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Hi, I’m Gretchen.

I am a mom, step mom and foster mom, career nurse and 20 year veteran to entrepreneurship in areas of digital marketing campaigns, self published books, apartment real estate, network marketing, masterminds, movement creation, community and leadership growth and course creation. Phew, that’s a lot. I do it on one hour a day most days, same as I teach.

Brick by brick is how a house is built. This very site you are seeing was all built in the pockets of my day.

You will learn the actual skills here, not just fluffy rah rah. I will tell you if you are not right for our programs. My mission is to change the world, one genius idea at a time. I am no BS so if you aren’t ready for truth about where you need to grow, this isn’t the program for you. If I think your idea won’t work, I’ll either help you tweak it to work or help you re-create it. There is no sugar coating in our programs. I am all about how to ACTUALLY do it. It’s not always easy, but there is NO reason why you can’t do this!

Let's do this.


Feeling weird about spending the money?

That's normal.

I do the SAME THING.

Here are some suggestions and resources that might help you get unblocked on your own.

(These are all from our very own graduates who did exactly what you are doing. The best way to learn is from someone who has been there).

How to deliver a scary message

How to network your way to a better job/offer

When you feel like your technology looks bootleg and stupid

When you think you don't have enough time to get it all accomplished

When you feel stuck on the content of your program or your launch plan


When you have no energy to keep going

When you full-time job is crushing your motivation

When you are trying to build the community

Free ideas to unstick

  • Phone a friend who will tell you the truth. Say, "I feel stuck in this area. _____________. Could we talk for 30 minutes about it and if we do, can you promise you will tell me the area I need to grow, even if it's hard to tell it to me?"

  • Seek a mentor who has been there and ask them for some of their time. Send them a thank you card after.

  • Take a break. Sometimes just walking a way from the project for a bit is exactly what you need to clear your head.

  • Join a Facebook group on the topic you feel stuck and ask in the group.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long will we talk?

1 hour. DO.NOT.BE.LATE. If you think you will have technology problems then reach out to tell me so I can help you get on the link provided.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Will this be worth it?

I will give you the straight up truth about your problem in your business. If you aren't ready to hear the solution, don't book.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.